Carl asked earlier about my older blog post “Building the Sig DO 217 kit (1)” and then added this question:
Excellent build! I am about to build this kit and I noticed you added a tail wheel. I want to do the same but I’m wondering if yours was in a fixed position or was it allowed to move freely right or left? If so, was this a problem for control while taking off or landing? Some say it will cause problems if left to turn left or right freely but it looks like your build dispelled that idea. I appreciate your response and thank you.
I did indeed add a tailwheel, and made sure that it would be steerable. Check out
> for details.
I’m not sure whether I included specific info in the steering hookup. Add a separate dedicated pushrod from the rudder servo to the TW assembly. I agree that a taildragger twin like this would be difficult to control at best without direct steering.