Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (20)

It’s time to put some covering on this airplane. I am using materials/products on this project with which you may not be familiar, so I’ll describe each of them in turn and share my sources with you. The covering material itself is the big one. You already know that I won’t be using one step […]

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Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (19)

Before we get to start covering this model, there’s one more detail I want to work on. If you are interested in models of those “Golden Age” airplanes, sooner or later you are going to have to deal with LOUVERS. In real life, these rows of cooling air openings that look somewhat like fishes’ gills […]

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Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (18)

All those bits and pieces are beginning to look more and more like an airplane in the process of becoming, and I’m getting anxious to see how she’s going to look with covering on the bare structure. However, there are a few details that have to be attended to before I get to break out […]

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Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (17)

Now we need a cowl to finish off the front of what is turning out to be a neat model airplane. These days you can pretty well assume that something’s wrong if you don’t find a well made, shaped cowl of fiberglass, or at least vacuum formed ABS or styrene waiting for you in the […]

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Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (16)

On the FlyLine kit plan, the landing gear is shown as several poorly defined struts made up from brass strip and aluminum tube as well as a main and rear strut of 3/32″ steel wire. The main wire strut includes the axles, and if carefully assembled by wire-wrap-and-solder with the rear strut, MIGHT pass for […]

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Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (15)

Locking up the mounting of the upper wing on the cabane strut assembly established the angle of incidence (2 degrees positive). With that done, I’ll be able to build and fit the interplane (“N”) struts to match that angle. The first big decision is how I am going to attach the struts to both the […]

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Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (14)

Biplanes have struts (most of them do, anyway), and the Great Lakes offers plenty of opportunity to learn how to build them. There are no bracing struts on the tail assembly, but we have a whole collection of them in the landing gear assembly, the usual interplane (outboard) struts, and the cabane struts (which hold […]

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Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (13)

If you go back and look at the first entry in my series on this airplane, you’ll see that the plans describe building the fixed horizontal tail (stabilizer) as a single piece to be glued in place as part of the tail assermbly, with the intention that the covering of the stabilizer and that of […]

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Model Mystery Solved

Well, it cost me over a month of not-so-patiently waiting, but now I can tell you that the little Ercoupe FLIES. Getting it to that point turned out not to be quite as easy as I expected when I posted my last entry on that model on March 10. It turns out that I have […]

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Building the (Old) FLYLINE Great Lakes 2T-1A Kit (12)

The next step in building the fuselage is the addition of all the stringers, which are those narrow strips running nose-to-tail with the primary function of creating a more or less rounded cross section. Stringers differ from longerons, which are primary structural members. On this airplane there are stringers on the top, bottom and both […]

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