What About Those Not-So-Golden Oldies?

What About Those Not-So-Golden Oldies?

A couple of weeks ago I got the following email message: Hi there, I recently bought a “Capitol Models Stinson Gullwing 54” Balsa model. I’m planning on building it and making a R/C flyer.It came with a giant blue print but no smaller detail instructions? Also some pieces are missing? I was wondering if you […]

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Building Those Old Kits ... Not Enough Information?

Building Those Old Kits – Not Enough Information?

Building Those Old Kits – Not Enough Information? On lots of the plans sheets that came with those old (stick-and-tissue, printwood, rubber powered and maybe sort-of-flyable) model airplane kits pretty much all you got was plans. Instructions that actually helped you figure out what came next were not always part of the deal. For a […]

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Model Mystery Solved

Well, it cost me over a month of not-so-patiently waiting, but now I can tell you that the little Ercoupe FLIES. Getting it to that point turned out not to be quite as easy as I expected when I posted my last entry on that model on March 10. It turns out that I have […]

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More Mystery Model Stuff

Remember when you were a kid, found some new treasure you managed to buy and bring home (an airplane kit, maybe?) , and how you wanted to start working on it RIGHT NOW? OK, I know, you’re not a kid any more but you still feel the same way sometimes? So do I, and that’s […]

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