Going All-Out With A Classic Balsa B-17-F – Part 23

Last time we devoted a lot of attention to “plastic stuff”…windows and turrets. Those details are now in place and securely masked off, ready for painting (which is coming soon). Several series back I also mentioned getting some covering onto the control surfaces…elevator, rudder and ailerons…which are indeed the only “open” structure on a B-17. […]

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Going All-Out With A Classic Balsa B-17-F – Part 22

Last time I showed you a pair of simulated-but-real-looking landing lights. Do you remember my discussion at the beginning of that installment about the ever-present need to weight the value of added detail against the value of the weight savings that doing without them offers? Those landing lights are a good example…I chose to include […]

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Guillow’s Articles

From John: I was very happy to see your article in the march 2018 issue of Model Aviation.I’m not very good with a computer. I subscribed to Fly RC for years and when I got april’s 2017 issue with your article What about all those Guillows kits ? I devoured it over and over. I waited […]

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Where to get Deluxe Materials products

From Gary: Hello Bob, I have been a balsa modeler since 1950, (Strombecker before that) and read with interest your article in Model Aviation.  Where can I order Tissue Paste and Eze Dope here in the U.S. of A.  Currently building a S.P.A.D. XIII from Cleveland plans. That’s easy. Deluxe Materials products are distributed in […]

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B-17 series

From William: I have never been able to find on your website the final stages of your B-17F construction. No. 21 is the last one I can get. Am I missing something here? Thanks for an excellent build series up to that point! I have to apologize for the delay. Please open the updated version […]

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Berkeley Aeronca kit

From Mark T. I  have a Berkeley model kit of an  Aeronca Sedan.  It is a Henry Struck design from 1949.  The wing span is 37 ½”.  It says that it can be rubber band, CO2 or .049 for Control line.  I need help with picking the electric engine, esc and battery.  Also looking for […]

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balsa sheet modeling

From David M: Hi Bob, I am building a tribute model of the B-24J my dad, Walter R. Miller, served in as Bombardier / Navigator in WWII.  I am using a Guillow’s B-24 1/28th scale balsa kit as the basis of my project. Attached is a photo of my dad and his crew mates in front of their B24-J, #109. With […]

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We’re Back!

The last time you saw Bob Benjamin’s Master’s Workshop it was part of FLY RC Magazine and this home page had a different look. As most of you probably know by now, FLY RC is gone. I spent the better part of a year working behind the scenes with the handful of creative people, writing […]

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Going All-Out With A Classic Balsa B-17

Going All-Out With A Classic Balsa B-17-F – Part 21

Going All-Out With A Classic Balsa B-17-F-F – Part 21 Hey, this stuff is starting to get interesting! Getting this B-17 ready for that first flight is pretty much down to “detail work” now. As I mentioned once or twice before, I could pretty well just add some control surface covering, stick some props on […]

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Going All-Out With A Classic Balsa B-17

Going All-Out With A Classic Balsa B-17-F – Part 20

Going All-Out With A Classic Balsa B-17-F – Part 20 It’s time for more detail work…all the “little stuff” that brings out the “scale” in scale aeromodelling. Like other small/fine details that represent actual structure (as opposed to markings which exist only on the surface) all these things need to be completed before I can […]

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