Guillow’s Articles

From John:

I was very happy to see your article in the march 2018 issue of Model Aviation.I’m not very good with a computer. I subscribed to Fly RC for years and when I got april’s 2017 issue with your article What about all those Guillows kits ? I devoured it over and over. I waited for the May issue but without any notice Fly RC folded. That was quite a tease .I tried emailing but got no response from anyone. Are all those subsequent articles available ? and can I purchase them. I have more than two dozen Quillows kits unopened that are awaiting this info. I am nowhere skilled as you are, but have been in and out of the hobby since the 50’s and am in my 70’s now I went back through old mags and copied all the ad’s for Guillows. Any help would be appreciated. I will be following closely the articles in Model Aviation.


John, I had to wait a while to be sure got the right answer for questions like yours. Go back to the Visit Bob’s Shop tab at my Master’s Workshop  ( and check out the “We’re Back” entry. That should fill in most of the spaces for you.



  1. It’s been a long time since we have seen anything of yours in Model Aviation magazine, how about an update on when we might see the Guillows articles?

  2. Gaylen,

    Sorry to delay so long in answering your question. As it happens there may not be any more Guillow’s features or other articles dealing with smaller, more complex models. I am learning to deal with the effects of a medical condition called peripheral neuropathy, which in my case compromises the sensitivity of extremities like fingertips, along with my general sense of balance. As you might imagine this interferes with working on small delicate structures as well as with my ability to fly RC models using fine thumb and finger pressures for control as I have been used to doing for many years.

    I will by no means not continue to build and fly electric powered models, but some of my choices of subjects may have to change. By all means stay in touch with (Master’s Workshop), which won’t be going anywhere soon.


  3. I got lost in the double negative in your last sentences. Since I will be 86 in a few weeks I can understand your decision about major changes in your plans. It is a real loss to many of your followers. Just do what you can do and we will continue to follow you as long
    as you keep your Master’s Workshop going.
    Now my question. Where I do I go to learn how to up-grade an in-the-box Guillow’s kit rubber model plane to an electric flier? Starting much from scratch, there is so much to learn and I don’t know if I have the time to continue. I was looking forward to continue following your lead. I am ordering the Lancer anyhow and if I have to build and just quit that’s the end. Thanks, Bill

  4. Hi Bob,
    Is there a follow-on to this article…Master’s Workshop #52: Guillow’s Hellcat RC Conversion Part 3? If so, where would I find it. Also, you had built 2 versions of the Guillows 403LC Spitfire some time back, the latter of which had a new wing design which was better for RC than the older FF wing design. Is there documentation or an upgraded kit using this newer wing design.

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